In This Topic
Document tags (EXIF, IPTC, Extra, Thumbnails, GPS, XML packet), also known as document's metadata, allows for additional information to be stored within a document.
Public Enum Tags
Inherits System.Enum
public enum Tags : System.Enum
public enum Tags = class(System.Enum)
public enum Tags extends System.Enum
__value public enum Tags : public System.Enum
public enum class Tags : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
CaptureDeviceFID | 50007 | |
TagArtist | 315 | |
TagBadFaxLines | 326 | |
TagBitsPerSample | 258 | |
TagCameraOwner | 50003 | |
TagCaptureConditionsPAR | 50002 | |
TagCellHeight | 265 | |
TagCellWidth | 264 | |
TagCleanFaxData | 327 | |
TagClipPath | 343 | |
TagCodingMethods | 403 | |
TagColorMap | 320 | |
TagCompression | 259 | |
TagConsecutiveBadFaxLines | 328 | |
TagCopyright | 33432 | |
TagDateTime | 306 | |
TagDealerIDNumber | 50006 | |
TagDecode | 433 | |
TagDefaultImageColor | 434 | |
TagDocumentName | 269 | |
TagDotRange | 336 | |
TagEquipMake | 271 | |
TagEquipModel | 272 | |
TagExifActiveArea | 50829 | |
TagExifAnalogBalance | 50727 | |
TagExifAntiAliasStrength | 50738 | |
TagExifAperture | 37378 | |
TagExifAsShotICCProfile | 50831 | |
TagExifAsShotNeutral | 50728 | |
TagExifAsShotPreProfileMatrix | 50832 | |
TagExifAsShotProfileName | 50934 | |
TagExifAsShotWhiteXY | 50729 | |
TagExifBaselineExposure | 50730 | |
TagExifBaselineNoise | 50731 | |
TagExifBaselineSharpness | 50732 | |
TagExifBatteryLevel | 33423 | |
TagExifBayerGreenSplit | 50733 | |
TagExifBestQualityScale | 50780 | |
TagExifBlackLevel | 50714 | |
TagExifBlackLevelDeltaH | 50715 | |
TagExifBlackLevelDeltaV | 50716 | |
TagExifBlackLevelRepeatDim | 50713 | |
TagExifBodySerialNumber | 42033 | |
TagExifBrightness | 37379 | |
TagExifCalibrationIlluminant1 | 50778 | |
TagExifCalibrationIlluminant2 | 50779 | |
TagExifCameraCalibration1 | 50723 | |
TagExifCameraCalibration2 | 50724 | |
TagExifCameraCalibrationSignature | 50931 | |
TagExifCameraOwnerName | 42032 | |
TagExifCameraSerialNumber | 50735 | |
TagExifCFALayout | 50711 | |
TagExifCfaPattern | 41730 | |
TagExifCFAPlaneColor | 50710 | |
TagExifChromaBlurRadius | 50737 | |
TagExifColorimetricReference | 50879 | |
TagExifColorMatrix1 | 50721 | |
TagExifColorMatrix2 | 50722 | |
TagExifColorSpace | 40961 | |
TagExifCompBPP | 37122 | |
TagExifCompConfig | 37121 | |
TagExifContrast | 41992 | |
TagExifCurrentICCProfile | 50833 | |
TagExifCurrentPreProfileMatrix | 50834 | |
TagExifCustomRendered | 41985 | |
TagExifDefaultCropOrigin | 50719 | |
TagExifDefaultCropSize | 50720 | |
TagExifDefaultScale | 50718 | |
TagExifDeviceSettingDescription | 41995 | |
TagExifDigitalZoomRatio | 41988 | |
TagExifDNGBackwardVersion | 50707 | |
TagExifDNGPrivateData | 50740 | |
TagExifDNGVersion | 50706 | |
TagExifDTDigitized | 36868 | |
TagExifDTDigSS | 37522 | |
TagExifDTOrig | 36867 | |
TagExifDTOrigSS | 37521 | |
TagExifDTSubsec | 37520 | |
TagExifExposureBias | 37380 | |
TagExifExposureIndex | 41493 | |
TagExifExposureMode | 41986 | |
TagExifExposureProg | 34850 | |
TagExifExposureTime | 33434 | |
TagExifFileSource | 41728 | |
TagExifFlash | 37385 | |
TagExifFlashEnergy | 41483 | |
TagExifFNumber | 33437 | |
TagExifFocalLength | 37386 | |
TagExifFocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 41989 | |
TagExifFocalPlaneResolutionUnit | 37392 | |
TagExifFocalPlaneXResolution | 37390 | |
TagExifFocalPlaneYResolution | 37391 | |
TagExifFocalResUnit | 41488 | |
TagExifFocalXRes | 41486 | |
TagExifFocalYRes | 41487 | |
TagExifForwardMatrix1 | 50964 | |
TagExifForwardMatrix2 | 50965 | |
TagExifFPXVer | 40960 | |
TagExifGainControl | 41991 | |
TagExifIFD | 34665 | |
TagExifImageCFAPattern | 33422 | |
TagExifImageCFARepeatPatternDim | 33421 | |
TagExifImageExposureIndex | 37397 | |
TagExifImageFlashEnergy | 37387 | |
TagExifImageHistory | 37395 | |
TagExifImageNumber | 37393 | |
TagExifImageSensingMethod | 37399 | |
TagExifImageUniqueID | 42016 | |
TagExifInterlace | 34857 | |
TagExifInterop | 40965 | |
TagExifISOSpeed | 34855 | |
TagExifLensInfo | 50736 | |
TagExifLensMake | 42035 | |
TagExifLensModel | 42036 | |
TagExifLensSerialNumber | 42037 | |
TagExifLensSpecification | 42034 | |
TagExifLightSource | 37384 | |
TagExifLinearizationTable | 50712 | |
TagExifLinearResponseLimit | 50734 | |
TagExifLocalizedCameraModel | 50709 | |
TagExifMakerNote | 37500 | |
TagExifMakerNoteSafety | 50741 | |
TagExifMaskedAreas | 50830 | |
TagExifMaxAperture | 37381 | |
TagExifMeteringMode | 37383 | |
TagExifNoise | 37389 | |
TagExifNoiseProfile | 51041 | |
TagExifNoiseReductionApplied | 50935 | |
TagExifOECF | 34856 | |
TagExifOpcodeList1 | 51008 | |
TagExifOpcodeList2 | 51009 | |
TagExifOpcodeList3 | 51022 | |
TagExifOriginalRawFileData | 50828 | |
TagExifOriginalRawFileDigest | 50973 | |
TagExifOriginalRawFileName | 50827 | |
TagExifPhotoISOSpeed | 34867 | |
TagExifPhotoISOSpeedLatitudeyyy | 34868 | |
TagExifPhotoISOSpeedLatitudezzz | 34869 | |
TagExifPixXDim | 40962 | |
TagExifPixYDim | 40963 | |
TagExifPreviewApplicationName | 50966 | |
TagExifPreviewApplicationVersion | 50967 | |
TagExifPreviewColorSpace | 50970 | |
TagExifPreviewDateTime | 50971 | |
TagExifPreviewSettingsDigest | 50969 | |
TagExifPreviewSettingsName | 50968 | |
TagExifProfileCalibrationSignature | 50932 | |
TagExifProfileCopyright | 50942 | |
TagExifProfileEmbedPolicy | 50941 | |
TagExifProfileHueSatMapData1 | 50938 | |
TagExifProfileHueSatMapData2 | 50939 | |
TagExifProfileHueSatMapDims | 50937 | |
TagExifProfileLookTableData | 50982 | |
TagExifProfileLookTableDims | 50981 | |
TagExifProfileName | 50936 | |
TagExifProfileToneCurve | 50940 | |
TagExifRawDataUniqueID | 50781 | |
TagExifRawImageDigest | 50972 | |
TagExifRecommendedExposureIndex | 34866 | |
TagExifReductionMatrix1 | 50725 | |
TagExifReductionMatrix2 | 50726 | |
TagExifRelatedWav | 40964 | |
TagExifRowInterleaveFactor | 50975 | |
TagExifSaturation | 41993 | |
TagExifSceneCaptureType | 41990 | |
TagExifSceneType | 41729 | |
TagExifSecurityClassification | 37394 | |
TagExifSelfTimerMode | 34859 | |
TagExifSensingMethod | 41495 | |
TagExifSensitivityType | 34864 | |
TagExifShadowScale | 50739 | |
TagExifSharpness | 41994 | |
TagExifShutterSpeed | 37377 | |
TagExifSpatialFR | 41484 | |
TagExifSpatialFrequencyResponse | 37388 | |
TagExifSpectralSense | 34852 | |
TagExifStandardOutputSensitivity | 34865 | |
TagExifSubjectDist | 37382 | |
TagExifSubjectDistanceRange | 41996 | |
TagExifSubjectLoc | 41492 | |
TagExifSubjectLocation | 37396 | |
TagExifSubTileBlockSize | 50974 | |
TagExifTIFFEPStandardID | 37398 | |
TagExifTimeZoneOffset | 34858 | |
TagExifUniqueCameraModel | 50708 | |
TagExifUserComment | 37510 | |
TagExifVer | 36864 | |
TagExifWhiteBalance | 41987 | |
TagExifWhiteLevel | 50717 | |
TagExtraSamples | 338 | |
TagFaxProfile | 402 | |
TagFillOrder | 266 | |
TagFilmProductCode | 50000 | |
TagFrameDelay | 20736 | |
TagFreeByteCounts | 289 | |
TagFreeOffsets | 288 | |
TagGamma | 42240 | |
TagGDALMetaData | 42112 | |
TagGeoASCIIParams | 34737 | |
TagGeoDoubleParams | 34736 | |
TagGeoKeyDirectory | 34735 | |
TagGeoPixelScale | 33550 | |
TagGeoTiePoints | 33922 | |
TagGeoTransformationMatrix | 34264 | |
TagGlobalParametersIFD | 400 | |
TagGpsAltitude | 6 | |
TagGpsAltitudeRef | 5 | |
TagGpsAreaInformation | 28 | |
TagGpsDateStamp | 29 | |
TagGpsDestBear | 24 | |
TagGpsDestBearRef | 23 | |
TagGpsDestDist | 26 | |
TagGpsDestDistRef | 25 | |
TagGpsDestLat | 20 | |
TagGpsDestLatRef | 19 | |
TagGpsDestLong | 22 | |
TagGpsDestLongRef | 21 | |
TagGpsDifferential | 30 | |
TagGpsGpsDop | 11 | |
TagGpsGpsMeasureMode | 10 | |
TagGpsGpsSatellites | 8 | |
TagGpsGpsStatus | 9 | |
TagGpsGpsTime | 7 | |
TagGpsIFD | 34853 | |
TagGpsImgDir | 17 | |
TagGpsImgDirRef | 16 | |
TagGpsLatitude | 2 | |
TagGpsLatitudeRef | 1 | |
TagGpsLongitude | 4 | |
TagGpsLongitudeRef | 3 | |
TagGpsMapDatum | 18 | |
TagGpsProcessingMethod | 27 | |
TagGpsSpeed | 13 | |
TagGpsSpeedRef | 12 | |
TagGpsTrack | 15 | |
TagGpsTrackRef | 14 | |
TagGpsVer | 0 | |
TagGrayResponseCurve | 291 | |
TagGrayResponseUnit | 290 | |
TagHalftoneHints | 321 | |
TagHostComputer | 316 | |
TagImageDescription | 270 | |
TagImageHeight | 257 | |
TagImageID | 32781 | |
TagImageLayer | 34732 | |
TagImageSourceData | 37725 | |
TagImageSourceEK | 50001 | |
TagImageWidth | 256 | |
TagIndex | 346 | |
TagInkNames | 333 | |
TagInkSet | 332 | |
TagIntergraphTransformationMatrix | 33920 | |
TagIPTC | 33723 | |
TagJPEGACTables | 521 | |
TagJPEGDCTables | 520 | |
TagJPEGInterFormat | 513 | |
TagJPEGInterLength | 514 | |
TagJPEGLosslessPredictors | 517 | |
TagJPEGPointTransforms | 518 | |
TagJPEGProc | 512 | |
TagJPEGQTables | 519 | |
TagJPEGRestartInterval | 515 | |
TagJPEGTables | 347 | |
TagJPEGTablesMode | 65539 | |
TagJPLCartoIFDoffset | 34263 | |
TagLoopCount | 20737 | |
TagMaxSampleValue | 281 | |
TagMinSampleValue | 280 | |
TagModeNumber | 405 | |
TagNewSubfileType | 254 | |
TagNumberOfInks | 334 | |
TagOPIProxy | 351 | |
TagOrientation | 274 | |
TagPageName | 285 | |
TagPageNumber | 297 | |
TagPhotometricInterp | 262 | |
TagPhotoshop | 34377 | |
TagPlanarConfig | 284 | |
TagPredictor | 317 | |
TagPrimaryChromaticities | 319 | |
TagPrintIMData | 50341 | |
TagProfileType | 401 | |
TagRating | 18246 | |
TagRatingPercent | 18249 | |
TagREFBlackWhite | 532 | |
TagResolutionUnit | 296 | |
TagRowsPerStrip | 278 | |
TagSampleFormat | 339 | |
TagSamplesPerPixel | 277 | |
TagSerialNumber | 50004 | |
TagSMaxSampleValue | 341 | |
TagSMinSampleValue | 340 | |
TagSoftwareUsed | 305 | |
TagStripBytesCount | 279 | |
TagStripOffsets | 273 | |
TagStripRowCounts | 559 | |
TagSubfileType | 255 | |
TagSubIFDs | 330 | |
TagT4Option | 292 | |
TagT6Option | 293 | |
TagTargetPrinter | 337 | |
TagThreshHolding | 263 | |
TagTileByteCounts | 325 | |
TagTileLength | 323 | |
TagTileOffset | 324 | |
TagTileWidth | 322 | |
TagTransferFunction | 301 | |
TagTransferRange | 342 | |
TagUnknown | -1 | |
TagUserSelectGroupTitle | 50005 | |
TagVersionYear | 404 | |
TagWangAnnotations | 32932 | |
TagWhitePoint | 318 | |
TagXClipPathUnits | 344 | |
TagXMLPacket | 700 | |
TagXPAuthor | 40093 | |
TagXPComment | 40092 | |
TagXPKeywords | 40094 | |
TagXPosition | 286 | |
TagXPSubject | 40095 | |
TagXPTitle | 40091 | |
TagXResolution | 282 | |
TagYCbCrCoefficients | 529 | |
TagYCbCrPositioning | 531 | |
TagYCbCrSubsampling | 530 | |
TagYClipPathUnits | 345 | |
TagYPosition | 287 | |
TagYResolution | 283 | |
Inheritance Hierarchy
See Also
GdPicture.NET.14 (COM - ActiveX)~GdPicture14_namespace